Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Broken swings

The swings in the parks are broken and it takes very very long for any action on them. This is just the case of what is there in one park.


Astro Rrachita said...
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Astro Rrachita said...

The suspended see saw swing as clicked in the 2nd picture, I verify has been broken since March 2010. My son nearly had an accident on it when I took him on the swing ride. The nuts had obviously been lying loose for quite some time. There is no inspection of the apparatus in the park by any member of Lok Sewak Society. The park is in heavy use by the residents and their children alike and to see such apathy towards equipment esp used by young children not only indicates sheer negligence but is a danger to the life and safety of the future generation of the "GREAT AND POSH" Geetanjali enclave. Tsk Tsk, what irresponsibility!!

Unknown said...

Absolute shambles! its a shame to see Geetanjali Enclave being run by a bunch of people who have no management skills and are just clinging to the post and being detrimental to the residents of Geetanjali. Need a change for future improvements
Perhaps credentials should be evaluated first prior to gaining post other than grandfathering !

Best wishes

Karun Dewan
B-26 Geetanjali Enclave, New Delhi - 110017